Solid game but is not exceptional. The relics are either useless or so useful they break the game. Runs thin by the end.

A game full of great ideas that make you go "oh that's cool", however that's about all it is. The combat is very simple, the game being an anthology keeps the stories from being that interesting. The game is very cool conceptually but very simple.

I've played this game so many times. I can just pick it up whenever and have a good time playing through it no matter what.

It's Black and White but worse.

This game is more annoying than fun. The world design is very boring: every world is just a straight line with a dungeon somewhere along it. The constant walking back and forth fighting enemies just is not fun. The RPG elements feel more like a chore than a core part of the game. The game is not hard enough that it requires I actual engage with its systems so it feels monotonous. The action commands in battle just feel tedious because of how easy most of them are. Games with mini story arcs within them don't appeal to me because it just makes everything feel shallow. This game is overall very shallow and most of its challenge is just annoyances and inconveniences.

A good game with a worse playstyle that doesn't work well with the existing level design. Slow and clunky.