Gah gah gah I really wanted this to work but it just didn’t click for me

The first five hours were captivating, I was hooked the first play session and seeing the main story beats in HD was exhilarating

But then the mini games kept piling on, the storylines began feeling cheesier and less authentic, and the structure more fan service-y…

The main story was solid most of the time, but it was hard to keep the momentum when there was all the side stuff that was downright bad at times

Also crazy annoying difficulty spikes, and finicky confusing mechanics. I was at 70+ hours and still had to bump it down to easy at times to progress

I feel like this game could have been way better as a 30-40 hour main story, 50-60 hour completionist vibe. I felt myself just wanting it to be over towards the end and couldn’t enjoy it as much as a non-completionist

I’ll still play the third one but it won’t be my most anticipated game that’s for sure

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2024
