ReCore 2016

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No intro, just dropped straight in.

Double jump and air dash available from the start, might as well have a big flashing popup "THERE WILL BE NO INTERESTING MANEUVERABILITY UPGRADES, AND NO NEED TO REVISIT ANY AREAS". Why not just give us a huge fun jump, or make the platforms lower or closer, instead of demanding two or three button presses every time. Daft.

Combat is powerfully mediocre, no real excitement, no need for any real tactics. First two bosses basically the same thing, just big versions of normal enemies.

Loads of bits and pieces and blueprints and crafting, but feels like that thing where stuff increments in single percentage points, just screens full of numbers.

And the thing is, I've put up with much of this stuff in other games, even praised it in some cases, but here there's just nothing else on top. There's a competent game here, with systems and enemies and a plot and a robotic dog pal, but it's just got no energy.