A friend has invited me to play this tonight so I thought I'd figure it out first and what the hell is that accent?

Turned the voices off. Much better.

It's alright. Probably better with pals you can chat with, rather than acquaintances who hesitantly talk like they're in an E3 Wurld Premeer. Nobody ever quite seemed to be actually enjoying the experience.

And like way too many games now, it's very live-servicey, all seasons and complex menus and that fucking circle cursor you have to drag about. Can already see it becoming a chore.

I wish more people would just come play Monster Hunter or Splatoon instead.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2022

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2 years ago

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Well I actually meant the interface, it's an overly complex web of menus that's horrible to navigate, especially for new players. There's got to be a better way.