I heard in passing they were making this, and the next thing I knew it had been out for a week and left everyone shrugging. I figured I'd pick it up when it was £3.

Turns out it's good, actually? Not on the same level as 2 obviously, but a fun little thrill ride nonetheless. TBH the change from 2's Haunted House to 3's Roller Ghoster is something I welcome, they're different enough that I'm not left feeling like one is a shit version of the other.

I like how well it realises the janky OG dodge. I like how it processes a unique and ambitious mess of a game, one that prompted a rethink of the direction of the series, into a solid bridge between 2 and 4. I like how Jill, having overcome the shock of the mansion incident, has regained her focus and evolved into a proper badass.

I Iike how it cost £9. Money very well spent.

Of course, you could argue it's a huge missed opportunity to make a big maze of city streets and do a "proper" old-school Resi outdoors, but that way madness lies. At least for me. We didn't get that, we got this. Sometimes I have to remind myself not to compare a real thing with a fantasy.

I've definitely played the original at least twice, but honestly there's not a lot about it that really stuck with me, so the changes made here don't grate on me at all. Maybe I'd feel different if I was more familiar, but I probably can't be bothered; let's face it, the original is hardly a classic. I'm 90% sure that reminiscing about it is more fun than actually playing it. This version though? I could go again right away.

Now do Code Veronica!

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2023
