A game that spans a huge story with a team of characters FF7 is considered the one of the most iconic JRPGs of all time. Gameplay wise the battle system is intuitive enough, although a bit stressful as even though it is turn-based there is a timer for each attack. The open world can be difficult to navigate if you’re uncertain of your objective but is sufficient. A nice streamlined option is that magic and skills are equipped to a character’s weapon and level up as you use them, so swapping abilities between characters is no problem. There are a lot of events/minigames in FF7 (like the parade and CPR) which help make memorable moments and breakup the gameplay. The plot starts off very strong in the middle of a train heist and pulls you into the action of the first act, unfortunately the momentum isn’t consistent and after you leave the city the plot slows down notably. The story is a mixed bag, the overall theme of restorative nature vs destructive nature is told very well without being environmentalist while some parts of the game take such an extremely bizarre tone shift and some primary plot points are convolutedly explained. Each character in your party has a unique backstory that unravels alongside the main story which takes you across a large map and many hours.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2024
