Platformer Plaza

Over on YouTube [] Jito is trying to play as many platformers as possible to find which ones are worth playing and which ones aren't. A game with five stars means it is a must have for anyone who likes platformers, a game with four stars is a game that is great and is worth paying full price for, a game with three stars means the game is alright but is more worth getting on sale, a game with two stars is either a very niche game or a game that only a few people would enjoy (AKA a game I did not have fun with), and a game with one star is a game I don't think anyone should play (unless they want to play it to laugh at it). All reviews here are my opinion. If we all had the same opinions, the world would be a more boring place.

There’s no doubting that Portal is one of the most popular games on Steam, and for good reason. I love the lore that you can find both in and out of the game, the gameplay itself is an interesting idea that is executed very well, and I think the overall experience is a great time. That being said, I don’t think this game is worth playing. In my opinion, I don’t see any reason to buy Portal for $10 when for the exact same price you could buy Portal 2 which has more levels, a more fleshed out story, gameplay with more mechanics, co-op mode, and even more secrets.
With this game, a lot of the greatest parts are hidden underneath the surface. For example, the initial shallow plot turns into an actual intriguing story where you have to separate the fantasy from the reality. But at the same time, nothing really stands out about this game. Yes the game did a good job at achieving what it set out to be, but it felt like all it was trying to be was a demo for a much larger idea. I beat this game in under two hours, and for $15, I feel like there’s not enough here to justify that price tag.
In the end, Suicide Guy is obviously a game made by an indie developer group, and I really like the idea of the game. But honestly, the actual gameplay and levels themselves bring down the overall feel of the game so much that it’s hard for me to recommend it. If the concept is really intriguing to you, then you might be able to find something fun here. But between the randomness in the actual difficulty of the game, levels that were extremely difficult to beat due to technical issues, and just lackluster level design as a whole, I honestly didn’t really enjoy my time playing this game.


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