If you played the Fallen Order, then you will love this one;

It's essentially an improvement of the first game, the combat and parkour are very fun to play;
The history isn't that good, but enjoyable;

I also really liked that Cal maintain his abilities that he gained on Fallen Order, as a lot of game sequels nerf the main character;

Anyway, play this game.

This game made a big impact on my life; it sparked my interest in history, especially from the Victorian Era to WWI. The campaign, though short, is touching, and the multiplayer manages to meet today's standards.

Each chapter of the campaign is good, with interesting characters providing a more human perspective on the suffering and hope that characterized the "War to end all wars". It's a great tribute to WWI soldiers;

The multiplayer is pretty fun, with my favorite game mode being Operations. I love hearing the soldiers talk about the map in the introduction and pushing through different sections and maps during the match;

The variety of guns is awesome. I've used all presets available to try to be historically accurate to the country I am playing with. Many of the guns in this game I didn't even know existed;

All maps are beautiful, and the graphics of this game are still on par with modern games. Unfortunately, it's rare to find servers (on PS4) that use the DLC maps;

The only reason this game isn't perfect is because of balancing issues. The Hellriegel 1915, M1917 MG, and SMG 08/18 really need to be nerfed. But besides that, it's a really enjoyable game, my favorite FPS.

Good Idea, and honestly? Not that bad execution.

The gameplay itself is fun, especially with a well experienced survivor's, both If you are a survivor or a raider and It can create pretty funny moments;

The major flaw of this game is the gacha system, unless you pull out good skills, you are screwed as a survivor; I didn't had see how bad this is until I started a new account on pc;

Besides that, the absurdly long queue times is another flaw, I know its because there arent much players, but some times I would be 30 min in a queue without finding a match;

Overall, buy this only If It is in a sale, it's not worth the full price.

This is one of those games that leaves you wanting more, it's really short, but also really good!

The katana gameplay is really fun, it takes a while to get used to it, but once you do, all fights it seems like AMVs;

And AMVs are a definition of the musics of this game, not that this is a bad thing! They are all pretty good;

The story isn't bad either, but it's way too short, the last battle don't really feels like a end.

Victoria II, without mods, can be fun, but it get stale very quickly, it realy lacks content, as most Paradox games do;

The army management isn't bad in early game, but mid and especially late game, it turns into a chore; it lacks QoL, such as army templates and not having to manually manage the battalions losses;

There's barely any content in the game, after playing it in vanilla, after 3-5 runs you will feel that the game is empty, there are barely any political decisions to do, even as a relevant nations like Austria;

The economy is a bit of a mess, I doubt that even the devs know excatly how it works;

Spheres of Influence are a neat mechanic, but it also needs QoL, mantaining a sphere of influence with many countries is boring, early game Austria/Prussia, if you plan to create Germany, is annoying as hell, it should have at least some degree of automation;

The research tree is good, the combat is also fun, the way that cultures work is also great, but religions should be a bit more important in the game;

But still, this is my favorite Paradox game, with mods it really is a blast.

Persona 3 Reload (P3R) is the best entry of the Persona series without a doubt and a great example of how remakes shall be done, even though I played the Portable version of the game, the story managed to make me cry;

The astonishing graphics, incredible music and the addition of 'Linked Episodes' with the male cast and and 'Hangouts' really makes the story flourish even more, it makes the S.E.E.S members seen really close and good friends, also making the player be more attached to said characters;

Each character have a development during the story, each one of them being memorable, its really great seeing the characters growing and reaching their resolves;

The gameplay is really fun, the JRPG section of the game got way more fluid than the previous versions of Persona 3, making it closer to the one in Persona 5, while also adding new mechanics, such as the 'Theurgy' and keeping the physical attacks split into three types;
The visual novel section also improved, with the SLs of non persona users now being fully voiced makes it way more enjoyable to interact with them;

It is a masterpiece in JRPG form, I really can't express enough how much I love this game.