A follow-up to my last review

Update: They did not.

To the surprise of no one, Sonic Team found a way to fuck up their momentum again. I think I've realized during my post-06 marathon that their biggest problem is they overcorrect everything involving the criticisms they receive and it ends up doing far more damage to their games than fix. Having new playable characters (although the time you spend with them is short), flashy sequences, and brief moments of good ideas is cool, but having insane difficult spikes out of nowhere with some involving level design that look like it was made by a 10-year-old's first level creator idea is not the way to go about addressing the game's difficulty. So much of Frontiers' strengths gets stripped away and its flaws is out in full display because Sonic Team still can't seem to figure out how to do a challenging game without it devolving into bad level design and artificial bullshit. The final boss really doesn't help when the game does the usual thing Sonic games tend to do where it will just be extremely vague on what to do so you're just bashing your head at a wall for however long you're at it. Just an overall underwhelming experience and a mess, man.

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2023
