When I was talking to someone about this game, they called it "the A24 of Zelda games" and it genuinely hasn't left my mind since because of how fitting that is (which I know is a lil cringe if you’re a filmbro but it makes sense if you’re not). It's the strangest and most drastically different game in the series by far, yet it’s one of the best of all of them. From just a writing standpoint alone, the themes and parallels are incredible for something like Zelda, the atmosphere has so much dread, the memorable people of the Termina give the game so much life when they try to live theirs with the end of the world literally looming over their heads, the dungeons, while aren't as many as usual for Zelda, are really well designed and those big brain moments REALLY hit when you figure out the puzzles in the game, even the bosses are so different and have different ways to take them down as you please, the music is still amazing but now darker and bleaker. The new main mechanic, the masks, offers a pool of combat, movement, and puzzle solving abilities that, when figured out, really leads to some engaging and satisfying moments in the game. Despite the tone being the darkest for the series, its somehow has the brightest message of finding hope, helping and bringing joys to others even when everything seems hopeless. Maybe I'm looking a lil too hard into the game but its just an amazing, bizarre, and even surreal experience, its really something that sticks with you long after you play it.

Just a disclaimer though this is not your baby's first Zelda game, it can be hard and its very easy to get lost, overwhelmed, and know where to go, but the game truly rewards you for your time and curiosity. If you love Zelda, please give this game a go.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
