I remember when I was younger when this came out that everyone was praising this game up and down like crazy so I was kinda surprised when people started looking back on Colors in a more negative light in the last few years, but then I remember what came before and a turkey sandwich with no toppings is gonna look really good if you’ve been eating trash and sludge for a while.

This is Sonic’s turkey sandwich.

Inoffensive, nothing too crazy, nothing too remarkable either. The lows aren’t insanely low to stuff like in Sonic '06 and Secret Rings, but the highs never get that high either to something like Unleashed’s daytime levels (especially when most of the Act 1’s feels like a watered down version of them). The only really jarring thing about it is the Act structure where it feels like zones were splice up and ends up taking less than a minute to finish a lot of them. It’s just a decent, Saturday morning cartoon in space adventure with mostly good 3D levels and decent to very mediocre 2D, and at this point, it’s probably what Sonic Team and the franchise needed.

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2023
