A uniquely terrible game. Games are rarely able to capture the “so bad it’s good” feeling that movies can - it’s an interactive medium, after all, with runtimes that often eclipse those of movies (which is especially true with this massive campaign). So more often than not, bad games are too much of an ask for players to stick with, because of the frustration elicited by their inputs.

RE6 manages to sidestep most of this by having a competent control scheme and engine, and a rapid-fire approach to shitty exposition and non-invasive bugs and glitches. If you have any tolerance for jank and any reverence for schlock, I seriously can’t recommend playing through this game in co-op enough. It’s a terrible game, but easily my favorite co-op experience EVER

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2023

1 Comment

8 months ago

Oh rad. I think that's my mistake: trying to play the game without a co-op partner. Will keep that in mind if I ever get to pick it up.