7 reviews liked by Joey_Bologna

I can name my Pikmin 10/10 #BloomSweep

A good game with fun weapons, builds, and enemies (except for the buzzards). People harken back to this one when criticizing the other games in the series, but this game isn't perfect. Still, it's probably the best in the series, and very nostalgiac. I never liked the humor in these games but it's at its most tolerable here.

Played this as a kid and left my ps1 on multiple nights to beat this shit ass game

Just kinda ok. Never felt too much of a connection to anything in this game, even when trying to explore and look fir things to do. The ambiance is nice, and the combat can be fun, but I never understood all the hype this game gets. The story is incredibly weak, and at times frustrating, as it feels more like your dad's story than yours, and the Enclave being brought back is frankly lazy and uninspired.

The best remake of a classic, and it's not even made by valve!
Really shows the dedication in this fanbase, and the reworked xen is fucking amazing.

RDR 2 feels like the culmination of everything the open world action-adventure games that emerged and became popular in mid-00s aspired to be. It also feels like a conclusion for the Rockstar games of the same kind.

It's an absolutely stunning world with an unmatched level of detail that is free to explore at leisure. The technologies and effort put in, to make all of this work as seamlessly as it does continued to wow me throughout a great deal of my experience with this game.

It's not a sandbox type of game, it's more like a massive amusement park with a western theme. There are so many scripted sequences created to immerse the player into the world, and while some of them don't present themselves naturally, they definitely bring life to the surroundings. If you've ever caught a bit of a TV show called "Westworld", that's what the general layout reminded me of. But you get to really feel this one!

After getting past the initial impressions of the world and dipping a bit into some of the more hands-off side-activities, that I found turning into a chore rather quickly, I focused on the story. The story is quite something too... It's undoubtedly massive, sometimes too long for its own good. Honestly, some events in the story don't make much sense and/or feel forced for the sake of creating explosive set-pieces, the ones that make the combat gameplay feel alright outside of its limitations. There are definitely cliches here that I got tired of (don't you love all the antagonists just pulling on a massive monologue performance instead of actually taking down the main characters right in their grasp?) And yet, the heart of the story is lovely, the main characters and the narrative grew more and more captivating the further it went. It brings together so much of what I've done throughout the story in a beautiful way... that emotional core continued to resonate with my experience in the game like magic.

I've dropped a lot of open world games of this genre way back because of their overwhelming nature crumbling on itself. But Red Dead Redemption 2 managed to make it work.