Who cares if it's MCreator it's good

The Digital Miner didn't fix my broken marriage 😭😭

The OG version of the Create mod.

Love the bosses and Glowstone Torches but I prefer Advanced Rocketry overall...

I love how this started as a joke lol

I remember the hype for this one was unreal. Logdotzip was claiming they'd add everything from corn to actually decent combat mechanics... Whatever, this one be controversial, yo...

I haven't even played any of the actual games yet as I got distracted walking around. The world is legitimately THAT interesting to me.

I downloaded this but I can't play it because I don't have NS Online yet lol

UPDATE = I've tried it now, it's ok...

My life is complete now that I've played this masterpiece.

Also, to the people who are giving this game a half star, I just have to ask... What the hell were you expecting??

I became a Taco Connoisseur before hitting "Reset" on accident instead of "Pause" 😭😭😭😭

Like if you cried everytim-

Honestly, it's not that great from a game design perspective or a difficulty perspective. Just adding shit to avoid or more shit to do isn't enough for me...

It's pretty addicting. Definitely has mobile game tropes that are kinda annoying but it's fun regardless.