I hope his mother is very proud.

why did I 100% this...

really lets it sink in how much weaker Bjorn power is compared to the other ones.

I'll say one good thing about it, I don't think this one was CIA funded.

Rubber Banding ruins it. Sorry. Unbearable at points.

"Thank You For Playing"
Tunder Crack
Doomsday Zone Theme
"Your Skill: Just die. No Seriously. I mean that with a 100% with a 1000%"

This game is bad and it looks like vomit but I couldn't help but enjoy it.

I was promised a relaxing game but I keep trying to do as much things as possible everyday making this game rather stressing. It's fun nonetheless but not what I was expecting.

This was fun back in the day. Shame I can't play it anymore cause it runs at like 20 FPS with the new updates...

Edit: Nvm just needed to install a bunch of mods cause Mojang can't optimize their own game

Edit 2: Ok, replaying this was clearly a mistake. Turns out my standards for quality have gone up since I was a child and what I remembered as a very joyful sandbox game was one of the most boring gaming experiences I've ever had.

The true unforeseen consequence is episode 3 not releasing after over 15 years.

My boy Neal Agarwal should learn what the second word in his website means.

I used an entire pen writing a map for this. Pretty fun tbh.

This happened to my buddy Eric.

One of my favorite things in gaming has to be the ones that have bad controls but you see you can't criticize it because it's intentionally bad and that makes it ok for some reason.