The best this type of combat has ever felt (until Elden Ring), an unforgettably grim and bleak setting, standard enemies and big bosses that will send chills down your spine and gags up your throat, the BRILLIANT rally system, the list of superlatives just goes on and on for Bloodborne. Immensely satisfying to finish, substantially quicker and more aggressive in combat but soundly rooted in smart and deliberate play, I still pray they bring back trick weapons for another Bloodborne or Souls/Ring game; I could sit here listing the things I love forever.
It may be one of the most ruthless of these titles, but if you're like me and wanted to get on the FromSoftware boat but the other games just weren't clicking, this is the one, seriously. Bloodborne teaches you the way to approach the rest of these games: get in there, and get messy. Bloodborne really is one of the all-time greats.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2023
