I'll start by saying I played the currently in progress mod, Legacy of Solaris, this go around. If you're asking my out of the box score for Sonic 06 then 3/10 for the 360 version and 2/10 for the PS3 version.
As for the mod itself, it's pretty nice playing of version of 06 that runs at a solid 60 fps with nice and fast load times. I did get some frequent graphical errors where effects would break and lighting would flicker. Usually I could just restart the stage and that would solve it. This could be caused by something on my end but usually but either way not completely ideal. I don't think it's ever going to fix the game to where it's going to win over non-Adventure era fans but I do think this is worth a spin if you ever wanted.
As for the game itself. I think the main reason I keep coming back to this game is how fun Silver is to play. I honestly think you could make an entire platformer just based around his play style. It's a little bit very on the broken side but it's fun broken where there's a meta game in trying to see what you can get away. Kind of like Sonic's spin dash was in Sonic Adventure 1. Speaking of Sonic, his playstyle is pretty fun. Not a fan of it continuing SA2's legacy of nerfing spin dash to the point it's really easy to forget it's even in his move set. The high speed segments have been fixed up in this mod to where it doesn't completely suck but I'd be lying if I said I thought they were fun though. Unfortunately, Shadow is still the least fun campaign. I like the idea behind his homing attack leading into this dragon ball esque beatdown rush. Unfortunately my problem with it is when you finish the beatdown your air momentum goes into a standstill and if you don't have another target to move to you can basically chose between falling where you are or homing attack and rocketing uncontrollably in a direction, which is not great in a platformer. I also feel like his homing attack has either less range or trouble locking on to targets because I had way more trouble than Sonic when it came to reliably hitting the targets I mean to. I feel like these are things the modders could possibly fix but I can't speak for them. Unfortunately, Shadow's campaign the one where you can most feel the rushed/troubled development baked into to the level design. I was floored by the checkpoint placement in a couple of levels. Also, of all the things to bring over from Shadow's solo game, the vehicles are the last thing I wanted. I personally feel like even if they handled amazing, they'd still be the most boring part of the game. Certain levels they're placed like a weapon pick up (all the vehilcles have rockets attached) and makes me feel like at one point they were just going to give him guns like in Shadow the Hedgehog. If that could be added in, I'd be so happy. I feel like that'd be very difficult though, so I'm not expecting miracles in that department.
While were on the subject of things that can't be fixed in the game, the story is just so damn. First the time travel just makes things so convoluted and ultimately by the end, it makes the events of the game not matter. Also, not to beat a dead horse but Elise is a terrible damsel character. I generally do not have a problem with Sonic being a static character in the games but his interactions with Elise really brings that to the forefront and they collectively feel so baron of characterization. Sonic unfortunately has the worst campaign from a story perspective. I also, just think a lot of the boss fights aren't fun. Lots of just waiting around for the attack phase. This is honestly not a unique problem to Sonic 06 as a lot of bosses from this Sonic era were like this.
I'm just gonna real quick run through some of the things I wasn't sure how to naturally integrate into this review. Soleana isn't nearly as good as Station Square but I still thinks its a nice hub world to exist in. This is the main reason I chose to play this over Project 06. The mod made some changes to the side characters. Tails has the tailswipe from SA1 (originally developed for Project 06.) on top of his bomb move. Hopefully Rouge can get some kicks on top of her bombs at some point. The biggest change was definitely Amy. I actually played 2 versions of the mod, one from Github and another made for the annual Sonic Hacking Contest. Both removed that weird invisbility move that was never mentioned in the plot and was completely useless. The github one was an okay-ish improvement where she had a triple jump to make up for the extra jump cutting off her air momentum (similar to the problem I mentioned with Shadow) and the other pretty much made her a Sonic clone. Ideally, they could make Amy play more like she did in SA1 but that's just my preference. I'll take a Sonic clone though. You can also run through optional campaigns for the 6 extra characters that pop up through the 3 main campaigns. They won't exactly knock your socks off but it's a nice addition if there's any of the characters you wanted to play more of.
Also, Sonic 06 has my favorite OST next to Sonic R. Both sides of Flame Core are masterpieces.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2022
