343 have produced what is almost the PERFECT Halo multiplayer with this.

I haven't enjoyed Halo multiplayer this much since Halo 3, Reach was great but not on the same level.
The gunplay feels a little weird, could be that I'm not used to the game anymore but it doesn't feel bad, the only thing that IS bad, no player collision, the amount of times me and an opponent melee each other only to then pass through each others body and start looking around frantically is too damn high!
Reduced melee lock on distance is a good thing but my muscle memory hates it at the moment.

Game modes feel slightly limited and the variety of maps could have been a bit more diverse if you want to start nit picking, the maps are great but the biomes are all pretty much the same.
Having no Slayer only playlist is a bit annoying because the Slayer players are infesting objective game modes and not playing objective, that's one of my biggest pet peeves in multiplayer games.
These are things that will become irrelevant over time because it's a game as a service now and the maps and mode selection will become larger.
Forge is yet to come also and that usually produces some awesome maps and really fun game modes.

Everyone knows...The Battlepass system blows. I have absolutely no problem with skins that cost money and stuff, providing there are skins you can unlock for free by playing. I just want to be able to unlock them at a fun pace and not feel like it's a real chore.

The game can easily become a 5 star game, improved map & game mode selection and improve the Battlepass. The game mode and map selection are almost guaranteed but the Battlepass, we will see. I have faith that 343 will get it right, they acted fast on initial feedback and it just takes a bit of testing and time to get it right.

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2021
