This is the game I would show to anyone who doesn´t understand why I play videogames or questions videogames as an art form.

The story has got to be the best in any videogame.
The soundtrack is phenomenal.
The world is breathtakingly beautiful and feels so alive.
There is TONS of things you can do across the world, that could be a negative thing for some people as it could be daunting...but its all optional so I´d say its just a bonus.
There is SO much lore that you can uncover too, Rockstar was good with that in GTA V so its no surprise to see it here too but it´s great that they didn´t drop the ball there.

It has its flaws but imo they´re rather minor. The controls can be a bit fiddly at times. That´s all I can really think of...I guess it was kinda annoying when an NPC attacked you and you would be punished for retaliating.

After exploring the world, witnessing character arcs, progressing and learning the story, all combined with the soundtrack, you´re left with an emotional mark. There´s a cutscene towards the conclusion of the game that brought tears to my eye. I can probably count on one hand how many times I´ve cried watching movies or anything like that and I can´t honestly think of a single one right now, but this game was powerful enough to do that.

My second favourite game of all time.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2021
