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2 days

Last played

October 24, 2022

First played

October 23, 2022

Platforms Played


-prefacing this by saying i did play this in its original intended form although a bit unorthodoxly. i used VNDS to play this on DS hardware but the overall experience remains unchanged from its initial release aside from the compressed audio.

it’s self indulgent while also taking the time to indulge its audience as well. i could feel the author’s disposition behind it. ryukishi gets it. he gets those dog day weekend afternoons where you can attentively hear the birds chirping and the trees rustling in the wind. he gets those chaotic schooldays of youth where the only thoughts of importance were the ones in the present moment. how the world and its characters are portrayed puts me in a spot where i can find solace and relatability within while also appreciating the collective creativity and compassion behind its development.
i grew up (and still live) in a fairly quiet town. if you listen close enough you can hear the cicadas in their prime during the ever-warming months of june. admittedly our community isn’t nearly as small as the benevolent townsfolk of hinamizawa but there’s a level of mutuality between everyone who falls under our umbrella. we know everyone who works at that local barbershop or supermarket, and they know us back. within our pool of classmates everyone knew each other. while my circumstances weren’t on the nose with higurashi’s context, higurashi still transcends its own being and allows the reader to place it within their own sense of self and experiences.
the juxtaposition of the wacky yet wholesome character art modeled against the uncanny photographs presents this degree of intimacy and honesty. despite their contrasting appearances you can really feel the heart that they share; the author’s passion for his hometown is as strong as the characters’ for theirs. the characters themselves aren’t particularly special but i find that to be the point. a small merry band of classmates who try to enjoy every second they share together. i think the slice of life content can be a bit too much at times but it’s still highly endearing in the end and is integral to developing these characters.
how ryushiki handles the horror and mystery aspects as of now is super engrossing. a simple conversation on the phone transforms into a frenzy of mental disparity. love how little bits and pieces of the mystery are fed to the player while their appetite continues to grow as the story unfolds. i’d share more of my thoughts on the narrative…but i think i’m getting a bit ahead of myself seeing as this is only the first chapter. i intend to experience the entire story before i give my complete analysis. i just wanted to express how beautifully this initially grabbed me. i wanna thank my buddy cloudkastel for continuously pushing for me to experience this, while i was skeptical at first eventually he had sold me and i’m glad i’m taking the time to immerse myself. this is a refreshing breath of fresh air. until next time, when the higurashi cry once more.