Looking back, DEVIL MAY CRY 3 was exactly what the series needed at the time. With the mess that was DMC2, the series needed to get back up on its feet. The developers quickly went to work on a new entry that would be more stylish, action-packed, and memorable than the previous entries. Their work of course paid off and here we have DMC taken to its highest of heights. By expanding upon the formula and combining the best aspects of the previous games, DMC3 was that breath of fresh air the series desperately needed.

As soon as the game starts you’re thrown into what is quite possibly one of the best game intros of all time. The thrill of hordes of demons rushing at our half-naked hero while he kills them all effortlessly with the use of pool balls; the stylistic nature of the game is exemplified perfectly in the very first mission. This is where Dante gets his crazy wise-cracking attitude in the way that we now know him for today.
Everything here just clicks. If you’ve played the game you know what I mean. Creating your own combos to achieve that SSSTYLISH ranking feels incredibly satisfying and rewarding to pull off. Timing together attacks and dodging accordingly is all based on your own skills as a player, nothing more, nothing less. I was never frustrated when I had to redo a boss for a second or even third time because I could feel myself improving with each try. Boss patterns are fun to learn whilst you find their opening to exploit and lay on the heat. As the missions go on you gain more and more abilities to put to the test of said skills. By the end you feel like a badass being able to (hopefully) use all your moves to the fullest of their extent. You’re also free to experiment with whatever you want as supported by the ingenious Style system. Wanna go in guns blazing? Now you can. Wanna effortlessly weave in and out of groups of enemies? You’re free to do so! Forming your own playstyle is the key to DMC3’s genius design.
I’ve heard stories of how this game is hard as nails but I honestly had more trouble with DMC1 lol. I think the hard-as-hell reputation was mainly gained from Americans who played the original game on PS2, or people who played this game as their introduction to the series. In retrospect I really do not recommend this as a first DMC game. Yes it’s the best, but that’s precisely why. To fully appreciate this game in all its glory you do need the context of the prior games. You need to feel the combat’s evolution across the games to reach its peak here. It’s also why a lot of people don’t think DMC1 is that great of a game nowadays.
A killer game needs killer presentation and music to top it all off right? With tracks as iconic as Taste the Blood, Divine Hate, and Devils Never Cry, the atmosphere orchestrated keeps you engaged whether you like it or not. The dark gothic corridors and rooms embark a sense of dread whilst the kick-ass stress inducing music keeps you pumped up during a battle.

My expectations for this one were high, but I never thought they would be shattered violently and exceeded. Dante is the homie, Lady is the bestie, Vergil is the bro, and Arkham can rot in hell. “Wanna know what it’s called? Devil May Cry.”

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2022


2 years ago

Lady is the coolest but Trish is more fuckable. Arkham is the MOST fuckable
can’t disagree

1 year ago

"lady is the bestie" holy shit she is