although in reflection it may seem most of the game is trapped in kinda good territory, JFA’s sincerity still shines through in every case. while the first game was a nostalgic journey set on becoming a lawyer, JFA is more concerned with the struggles that come along with being a lawyer, for better or for worse. in its stride to distinctively continue the Phoenix Wright saga, it falters and reclaims its balance many times but it does so earnestly, and eventually reaches the apex that is Farewell, My Turnabout.

“The end justifies the means, Mr. Wright. The end justifies the means.”

Reviewed on Jun 12, 2022


i’ve edited this 15 times by now i seriously cannot write for the life of me when it’s this late

1 year ago

JFA, to me, is like the defining example of middle child syndrome in video games. The final case is probably my favorite in the series, and most of the game is still pretty fun, but it's sandwiched between two games that are much more cohesive experiences and it's hard not to remember it as just "the one that you play to know who Pearl is and what Edgeworth was up to."
oh yeah i completely agree with that sentiment