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Time Played

5h 6m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 1, 2024

First played

February 29, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I remember getting this on the Wii U Eshop a while back (RIP). It's the first one in this "milked" sub-series, and they did a great job I feel. This game must've been great for Mario fans back in the day who didn't get a new 2D Mario game in years!... Then they kept doing the same thing until U which is when people were actually done with this, but hey! Wonder's out and that was great. My point still stands though.

The game has only 8 worlds, and while I do wish that it had a world 9 like it's sequels. It doesn't. That's ok though considering the game's levels are really fun to play. Just letting ya know Star Coins, and any optional collectable in my platformer, is an instant win in my book. The game's got these scattered across the levels, some in plain sight, others you have to look out for. I didn't get them all cause I played this casually, but I feel you can enjoy either route of being a completionist or just playing the game normally. That's not all though. You get tower and castle levels which are fun, but end with bosses. Now as usual for Mario these bosses are pretty easy. I mean for crying out loud, take any fire flower with you to the end of a tower level and Bowser Jr will immediately see the light for a second. However the boss ideas are probably the best in this game since you get a whole lot of enemies to fight.

Speaking of the Fire Flower that I mentioned earlier, it's back along with some new power ups. The shell is an odd case if you ask me, since it feels weird to control and the momentum with it is just odd. When you get it rolling though, have fun fighting for your life, fighting the thing to stay alive. It's really situational which explains why it hasn't been brought back, but I feel like you could things with this awesome concept. The mini mushroom however, I adore. It makes you mini of course, allowing you to do moon jumps, run on water, but you'll have to be extra careful with it since you're back to being small technically. That, and you can only ground pound enemies if you want to kill them.

In the end, this game can be viewed as what started the plague of the samey 2D Mario games, but it did a lot in bringing this back. Not only that, but it's not like the game is bad. Not at all. I think the controls as well can be a little wonky since wall jumps feel like they have a delay behind them, but when you get used to it, it controls very well. Also before I go, I completely forgot about the minigames, which are just cool to have and add to the factor of this game being so good for the DS. Not only that, but, and while I haven't played it. Mario vs Luigi always looked like a fun side game. Just a game that allows you to always try something with it, and that's great.