After finishing the first ending, I believe that Sekiro is my favourite Souls game. The first few times I tried playing it wasn't really clicking, but then I was in the mood for another Souls game after playing Lies of the P, and wow did it click this time. The combat felt the best in the Souls series, and the guardian ape was unquestionably the best Souls boss I encountered in a while playing these souls games. It's time for a second playthrough as I realised I accidentally missed lots of optional bosses

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2023


8 months ago

You have a lot to look forward to in that second playthrough. I also agree with you on Guardian Ape, it was a surprising highlight that stuck with me thanks in large part to the first phase and second phase having a fantastic dichotomy of enemy archetypes!

8 months ago

Thank you for commenting. I'm now on the third ending, and I think my favourite parts of this game are the battles with the owl and isshin, The game improves with each playthrough; I favour the second endings so far, with two more to go; now, I'd like them to release Sekiro 2; let's hope they're working on it.

8 months ago

I agree, would love to see a sequel to it one day. Isshin and Owl are also amazing fights that really demand mastery of what the game teaches you. Glad you enjoyed the game!

1 month ago

Guardian ape pissed me off to no end, but I agree with everything else. Loved the final boss fight