4 Reviews liked by JuMeSyn

Great game. Really wish it could be re-released on modern consoles. I only played through it once (using a save from Scenario I that I wasn't too pleased with) so a replay is in the future if the game is ever brought back.

I had waited essentially my entire life to play Shining Force 3. As a Sega child whose favorite game was Shining Force 2, I was able to play SF3...but I learned very quickly that it was only scenario 1! Thus began a lifelong journey to acquire, translate and play the other two on original hardware!

But I digress; we're talking about Scenario 1 here.

It's great! Of course it is! I earnestly love the atrocious voice acting, I adore the chunky graphics and the story that ramps-up over the course of the game. I like how the battles have different objectives and things that are thrown your way--it's just a lovely thing.

The Shining Force games are all like warm cups of coffee for my heart.