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15 hrs ago

15 hrs ago

JulioNicacio reviewed Metroid Prime Remastered
Prime manages to translate everything we have in 2D Metroid into a highly cohesive experience with the gameplay we already know, making it truly the other side of the same coin. The game's immersion, along with the constant progression of the gameplay, ensures that players always feel like they are discovering something new, whether it's a new ability, a new area, a new suit, etc. Despite the simplicity of the gameplay loop, it is well executed. The combat is not very complex, but the game manages to keep players unaware of this fact by consistently introducing new weapons that function similarly to the others with only minor differences. Last but not least, the soundtrack complements the player's journey, always setting the tone for an area or scene and drawing attention to what's happening at that moment.

5 days ago

5 days ago

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