At first i wanted to made an joke review, but after platnum the game my view on it really evolved,it really is the best platform i ever played mechanically and design wise(currently at least),everything to the first playthrough,art style,music,content,and how it encourages high level play is carefully made with utmost detail

THE PRESENTATION doesn´t even need introduction,with an art direction on point,perfectily balancing old school internet animation with 90´s cartoons while,just like cuphead and alikes,having insanely detailed animations that only psychopats would have the pacience to produce,absolutelly amazing job here,they also really enhance the sense of addrenaline and silly humor this game provides

THE MUSIC is also great too,greatly transmitting what peppino and the player would feel in any situation(they are one in the same when doing a P rank),personal favourites being,unexpentacy,pizza time(obviously),and death that i diserviolli,for reasons i will explain when talking about the gameplay.
Overall great selection of musics,which diverse styles all around,ranging from,rock,eletronic,retro,etc

THE PACING AND CONTENT is great too,the lack of any in detph story and short length really hammers down the idea that the game can (and SHOULD) be replayed over and over again,it really has that "all killer no filler" design mentality that sadly is vanishing in current day games thanks to the low popularity of arcade-likes games and the fetichization of long hours of ""unique content""(that ends up being mostly filler and whatnot)on modern games just to justify higher prices.
every single stage(even the HUB World) HAS a purpose,and is insanely criative,fun and replayable,always presenting a new idea or mechanic to master(i must admit that not all of they are used at its fullest,but an "side B" style DLC or an level creator would greatly be appreciated because of it)

THE GAMEPLAY is when this game REALLY shines though,i´m aware that its main inspirations are Wario Land 4 but I´m limiting my comparations to exploration,backtracking and the scape sequence,as i only played the first world of that game currently.
At first it may seem overwhelming,which a lot of mechanics to learn compared to your average platformer,everything you will do will make you bump into walls and hurt Peppino a LOT,but the devs knew of that beforehand and designed the game acordingly,brilliantly deciding to make Peppino invencible on normal stages,it may sound stupid at first, that it would make the game too easy and all,but remember:this game is not an "beat and forget" kind of deal,it was meant to be replayed and mastered,so laking this conventional gaming feature makes you actively care more about your ranking and overall performance while making it easier to practice any troblesome stages,your first playthrough is an "training mode" essentialy.
even if the game still has conventinal challenges in the form of bosses,that are well designed in their own right,they are definitely not the greatest strength of the game,not only the average level is much better designed but how it recontextualizes challenge to the average player is this games greatest achievement in my opinion

speaking of level design,it´s perfect,every level is meticulously designed back and forth (literally) having enough complexity to be interesting and making the player create routes and strategies,while being linear enough to not be an metroidvania of sorts,its an confined game with linear progression after all.
the way they are created to be takled on both foward and backward fashion is brilliant(it was taken from WL4 yeah,but took to new hights),you really need to be aware of any score source,enemies,secrets,places to maintain speed and momentum,all while making this delicate balance between good score and good overall time,and that´s all only for an S mind you,if you want those P man,be ready to make the scape sequence AGAIN in lap 2,everything that you took on previous laps is already taken so plan about that accordingly,its so simple but so smart,i just can´t emphasise HOW MUCH FUN THIS IS,THE ADRENALINE RUSH IS INSANE OMG!!!!

IN CONCLUSION this game is amazing,an once in a good while experience in indie gaming,that is destined to be alongside cave story,cuphead,ultrakill,undertale,etc as one of the most well remembered indie games ever made(while also becoming too main stream for its own good in the process and probably creating the most toxic and annoying fanbase ever,but oh well,it is what it is)

can´t recommend this masterpiece enough

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2023
