4 Reviews liked by Jurojin

Im only 40 hours but i just wanna say how the fuck did they get smtv from my least favourite smt game to my absolute favourite by a HUGE margin im genuinely shocked

They expanded a game I already quite enjoyed AND put it on a console that can run it? Peak.

Its fine I think, not really for me. The matchmaking time is a bit ridiculous. Thankful for all the porn it spawned tho

I opened this game again today after having beaten it a while ago, I cried at the opening. Im a mess. But then I realized I never wrote a review for this, so here it is. I can list a dozen if not two dozen problems i have with this game, but god damn it this is one of the best gaming experiences I have and probably will ever have. The style, the story, the characters, the music the literally everything just oozes sexy on a level I can't even describe. I still overall prefer the quiet town vibe of Golden, but these two games capture the near perfect video game experience for me despite all their numerous flaws and I dont think any game could ever top it. I just can't let anyone on the internet know I like it lol

This would probably be my favorite game if it weren't for the mind-numbingly stupid final cutscene in the new true ending. + akechi and maruki overrated tbh