The Level design is abysmal in this game. Dying offscreen doesn’t make the game “harder”, I just have to play like a bitch compared to the first game. The cramped smaller rooms in the first game made me think about how to handle each area one at a time, not this where I basically have to corner camp and lure enemies one by one into a blind spot.

In the first game it was hard, but when I died I knew it was my fault. In this game, I feel like I only get through sections if I was lucky.

The Honolulu stages are the worst offenders of the terrible gameplay decisions. Like why can’t I grab more than 1 clip at a time when at zero ammo? Why?

The pointless Rape scene is exactly as bad and unnecessary as I was told it was. Like I get it, this is the series where you have over the top violence, but if someone can explain to me why Rape had to be used in this game other than shock value (which come on guys if that’s the case), I’d rather not hear it.

I went in to this coming off of HM1, which impressed me, and I was left disappointed and frustrated.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2024
