Hades 2020

Log Status






Time Played

45h 0m

Platforms Played


ugh, hades, my beloved. best dog petting mechanics in any game ever.

I'm the type of person who only really gets into games at certain times, and Hades is one of the lucky few that has claimed that spot on several different occasions in the past couple years I've had it.

While the satisfyingly gameplay is critical to the fact that I enjoy it, what often pulls me back to it are the characters, which are consistently well written and voice-acted, with, by god(s), so much dialogue (I have no clue how they recorded that much).

It'd be kind of silly if I didn't also mention that, while I have a dear friend who disagrees, I absolutely LOVE the little gamey rpgish aspects of the game. I feel like those elements, (mainly talking about all the items you can collect and trade, the variety of boons and weapons upgrades etc) coupled with God Mode make the game really customizable, and help the game work for a variety of different players, possible appealing to different sensibilities in each. It could definitely be executed in a "cleaner" way, but personally, I enjoy a little mess, and seeing the little stack of symbols and numbers on the bottom of my screen when I go to buy something from the house contractor makes me excited.

The best parts of the game however, are the character interactions and the, you know, core game mechanic of annihilating your undead foes with rather punchy punches. Don't get me wrong, at least, in my playthroughs collecting the right amount of darkness isn't top priority (although I have a different friend who considers that at all times! see? different playstyles woop woop)

So, anyway, if you pog out of your mind at a well written story that meshes cohesively with gameplay but also need some quality Beating Up Skeletons Time(tm) in your daily schedule, I'd really recommend it.