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1 day

Last played

June 1, 2022

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This is a pretty fun little game, but it gets old.

Wanna start off by giving a brief story of my play through, I started with one crew and made it all the way to the end without ANYONE dying, the veterans of the war were tasked with the final mission of killing Hitler, and they did it. Unfortunately, on their way back home, the plane was shot down and they all died. They made it all the way through the entire campaign and even killed Hitler, only to be shot down at the very end. RIP

This game is basically just micro-managing a British bomber plane in WW2, and you go on little bombing missions and whatnot. It's simple yet fun and charming.

You can upgrade a ton of ship parts, a ton of your crews gear, etc. It's a fun game play loop of gaining more xp and money and further upgrading your plane and crew mates.

The real problem is when you've played this game too long, it just starts to drag on. You've seen all the mission types and stuff just gets repetitive. Like the second half of the game I was maxed out on all my equipment and was just trying to finish the game cause I was getting pretty damn bored. I always want games leaving me wanting more, but this game does the exact opposite. It overstays its welcome hard.

I haven't played the USAAF campaign as it's DLC and I haven't played the challenge mode, I also mostly ignored the secret weapons shit as it just wasn't fun, so this is just a review on the base game.

This is a game I'd definitely recommend as it's pretty damn fun, just don't expect to finish it unless you're committed and able to stomach some repetitiveness.