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1 day

Last played

September 6, 2023

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I dub the DLC with a 4, same as base game, but I was teetering on a 3 or 3.5. The beautiful music, character designs, and animations carry this DLC.

So you now play as Ms Chalice, and there are just a handful of levels, luckily all boss fights and no filler, which is nice to see. I am honestly not a fan of how Ms Chalice controls. The double jump feels bad, just flat out, this is because the Xbox controller buttons are too mushy for the precision the double jump demands at times, plus if you press it too fast you do a really small double jump which'll get you hit, and this is all made even more difficult when you are already holding down the shoot button. I think they should've stuck with one jump.

The bosses are generally more difficult than base game, to compensate you're given 1 more hit point, which is fine I guess, I'm unsure on how I feel about this balancing. Out of all the bosses, the one with the bugs and the anteater was the hardest, my thumbs were aching from it. I guess this was Because I was using the wrong weapon, after I switched weapons I beat it first try. Every other boss was quite easy, especially the final boss, similar to how the devil is overly-easy in the base game. There are also quite a few projectiles in these fights that are very difficult to see at times, as they blend into the background and are very small, just a small annoyance.

Overall, it's more Cuphead, I think it does some things worse than the base game but wanting to see what awesome art comes next is good enough.