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1 day

Last played

May 6, 2022

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The game, is fun.

I was expecting more tbh, but what is here is mostly good.

Only 6 games, 3 of them are net based games, 2 of them are racket and net based games. So there's a pretty big lack of diversity of sports here.

Volleyball is cool and all but gets repetitive kinda fast for me personally. It's a welcome addition but I'm not interested in it much honestly.

Soccer is the most unique and interesting addition to this game I think. It's pretty fun though kicking it in the direction you want can be frustrating at times. Pretty fun one I think. There's also a special shoot-out mode where you use a leg strap, it kinda sucks and is just a little time waster, nothing more.

Bowling is bowling. Nothing more to say on this one, it's almost exactly the same as the Wii Sports one but the online mode is like an elimination style bowling game.

Tennis is my favorite gamemode, and it's the one I've played the most. It's very similar to the Wii Sports version but a smidgent more in-depth. It's pretty fun but similar to soccer, it can be a little frustrating to hit the ball in the direction you want at times. Badminton is super similar just a little more slower and less interesting I think. Also only 1v1 is possible in badminton.

Lastly, Chambara. Nintendo people are a bunch of pussies for not just making it sword fighting again. It's pretty fun though, very similar to the Wii Sports Resort sword fighting mode. There's three different types of swords you can use and that adds some depth. pretty good stuff.

I believe they plan on adding golf in an update, and I hope they continue to add more games, cause this game needs more content and diversity. Within one game session you can experience everything the game has to offer.

Onto the characters, they look lame. I refuse to use them and will only use the Mii characters. Mostly all cosmetics you unlock are only usable for the regular characters, and not the Mii characters. Very lame and bad decision. They should've just stuck with only Mii characters, idk why they made these other characters, they look so soulless.

The cosmetics are mostly mid from what I've seen, nothing really popping out. It gives you some motivation to keep playing but definitely not enough.

The graphics look nice but boring. Nothing aesthetically interesting anywhere. Just looks pretty average.

Lacking in content, lacking in sport diversity, lame and soulless aesthetics and characters, not Mii focused, lackluster cosmetics, no charm, and yet I give it a 3. I give it a 3 because the games that are here are just fun. Despite them getting old after a couple hours, they're pretty fun, and just as in-depth as the original Wii Sports games were. It also seems extremely vital that you play this game online to get more use out of it. I really wanted more from this but this is still a game that provided me with entertainment and fun, and most games really aren't that fun.

I recommend playing this game, but maybe not for 40 dollars. maybe wait for it to be a little cheaper.