Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 13, 2022

Platforms Played


Played on Xbox One and PC, both extensively.

I have so much playtime on this game, I've legit played for countless hours on both platforms, and despite my insane playtime, I still don't have all the skins unlocked lmao.

Anyways, despite what people tell you, this is still a really fun game. The combat for both soldiers and heroes is great.

The campaign fucking sucks though, the AI is braindead and the whole thing is completely uninspired, but really who cares about the campaign of a DICE shooter?

The real meat of this game is honestly just playing HvV (heroes vs villains) It's the most alive gamemode, Galactic Assault and Supremacy are also quite good but it's much harder to find a lobby. This is due to Dice being really fucking stupid and not adding a server browser for some reason.

Anyways, HvV is a 4v4 team deathmatch where everyone is playing as a hero or villain. The roster has a good mix of characters from both the OT, prequels, and sequels. The characters all feel like themselves and are a lot of fun to use, I even enjoy using sequel characters and I hate the sequels. They all look and sound exactly right, the voice actors did a great job (except maybe vader but yk what are you gonna do).

The balancing however is a little finicky. Characters that strike me as clearly overpowered are Darth Vader, Iden Versio, and tbh that's all. The light side is much more balanced, but Vader and Iden just feel way too strong. The Light side can still win with teamwork and skill, but yeah, just know the dark side is stronger in this game.

My biggest gripe with this game though, is the inconsistent freezes and force powers. What I mean is, you can use Lando's stun or Lukes force push on Vader, and he won't get stunned nor get pushed back. There is a mechanic where you can press dodge roll at the perfect moment to avoid the stun/force ability, but I've had countless times where someone such as Vader is standing completely still, not blocking, I even get a hitmarker on him, yet he isn't affected. It's pretty annoying but it doesn't kill the game.

So, HvV is great and it's the main gamemode now. Going to the maps, there are actually a decent mix up of maps now, none of them are overly annoying, they're all decent and look great. They all feel like Star Wars enough.

Galactic Assault and Supremacy are also pretty awesome and great gamemodes but I'm unsure if you'll be able to find a game for them. I'm a fucking humungous Star Wars fan and a gamer, and this is a top 10 Star Wars game for me. These other reviewers really don't know what they're talking about.

If you're on PC I HIGHLY suggest you get into modding and get onto the Kyber servers. The Kyber servers are a way where players can all play together with mods, currently a mod called BF2022 is being used, and it adds an insane amount of content. It's truly incredible and I really hope it gets more players as it's just so much fun.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")