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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 3, 2023

Platforms Played


A pretty solid Total War experience.

This one's upper-mid of the road, though I did enjoy China, I thought that was fun. A lot of the factions feel extremely similar so there's kinda a lack of replay-ability that you'd get from other Total War games, but honestly campaigns last so long one go is enough for me personally.

Battles are fun but very cavalry heavy, which I guess makes sense lol. China is a massive map and moving around it can be a bit of a pain, I'd just prefer if everyone could move a little faster.

Also, I installed this game on an HDD and as the campaign progressed things loaded slower and slower and everything just got kinda tedious, I would recommend installing this on an SSD.

I'm not a big expert on these games, but I enjoyed this play-through quite a bit, though it did get tedious towards the end. Would recommend.