Top notch graphics and excellent audio design like the previous title; but gameplay felt weak, for me puzzles were underwhelming and combat was uninteresting.

a very fun and innovative game to showcase PS5 and Dual Sense features.

an improved sequel with performance issues

compared to previous game this game isn't really performance optimized. Jedi Fallen Order was playing on Xbox Series S with 60fps without any issues, but this game doesn't have any performance mode and only runs in 30fps.
so, I played on PC with r7 5700x, 6700XT; in 1440p with High preset except settings Visual Effects to Medium Post Processing to Low also with FSR. Game's fps sometimes fell to low 50fps, and some graphical glitches too - but perfectly playable and held 60fps most of the time and game looked very good too.

I played on Master difficulty which i think good balance among other difficulties. Towards end of the game with most of the skills and stances unlocked i felt very powerful and most of the enemies/bosses didn't felt difficult to beat.

i liked new traversal mechanics, puzzles, excellent voice acting; for the most part i like the story too. It's overall a very good game, but i wish the game was optimized like it's prequel.


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metroidvania with good story
good art style, music and story, decent gameplay.
story and mechanics are kind of similar to Hollow Knight, but gameplay way behind. Relics in the game doesn't balance well and it makes some of the boss very very easy mainly the ones towards the end especially the final boss.
overall it was a pleasant experience and can get all achievements within single play through easily.

really smart puzzle game.
this game begins with simple rule and then introduces more complex puzzle designs, unfortunately for me at one point it became too much and had to abandon it.
i really like the way you discover/identify unsaid mechanics/rule as you try to solve through the levels.


underrated RPG with really good system design.
top notch enemy design, world design, game mechanics, decent story with kind of lackluster ending.
one of my top gaming experiences; sad we are not getting a sequel.

a short, decent, generic side scroller.
i felt like story is weak but decent execution. During my play through i encountered few bugs and glitches but not any game breaking ones.

Excellent puzzle game with good art style.
language based puzzles were very interesting coupled with awesome art style and decent story the game really worth playing. puzzles aren't very hard and able to get all achievements within single play through was nice.
