A superb 3D platformer with a very strong identity. The powers are fun, the controls are decently tight, the number of interesting character interactions all with excellent, funny writing and voice acting is off the charts.

The first part of the game is mainly focused on wandering the campgrounds and interacting with the other kids, and it is so delightfully weird. The art direction is like a 90s or 2000s cartoon come to life with strange yet appealing proportions on characters and disjointed architecture. It really hammers home the vibe being thrust into close social situations with other kids that can act friendly or vindictive or chill or whatever on a dime, each with their own quirks and preferences.

Then as you go later in the game to the various mental stages, each stage just feels so incredibly unique and strongly themed; every time I got to a new part my first thought was always "I could never have predicted this."

A hex-tile board game where you try to defeat Napoleon by recruiting pieces, a luchador town with an art style inspired by black velvet posters, a circus made of meat, and more. The whole game never stops being crazy inventive for the entire runtime. I loved it.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
