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The most mediocre kart racing game I've ever played. The only reason I even played this is because me and some friends wanted a kart racing game as a pastime until Party Animals released, and this was readily available, for free.

While I had fun with my friends (Entirely due to my friends), it's a dull and emotionless experience otherwise. I felt nothing while playing this, and I always feel something when playing videogames. Controls are not bad enough to be funny, but are also not good enough to be enjoyable, and most of the time it feels painfully slow, even when going objectively fast, which is a major problem for a racing game.

Everything else is equally as mediocre. Decent graphics but a boring art style, so it looks fine but nothing special. If there even was any music, it didn't make its presence known, or it's that forgettable.

Funnily enough, I haven't even mentioned this game's worst problem: It's intrinsically and completely pay-to-win. That's right, you can buy the in-game currency to just max out your kart, and crush everyone else. So not only is this game boring, it's also unfair, though we rarely lost because the game is so dead that the few remaining players sucked and the other racers were bots.

Anyway, avoid this, go play something else that isn't a waste of your time, lest this game empties you too.

SCORE: 5/10