Alright, is it overrated? Yeah, imo it kind of is.
Does that mean it's not a great game? Hell no.
I think it has aged pretty well in most regards with a good story, decent characters and great twists. (That have probably been spoiled for you, but whatever)
Gameplay-wise it's your traditional FF "turn-based" RPG. I'm more of a Persona/Megaten kinda guy, so not too big a fan of the ATB gauge but I got used to it fairly quickly.
I played the steam version, which I would advise against unless you really want your achievements. None of the Quality of life changes of other FF ports are implemented (3xSpeed,NoRandomEncounters,GodMode), setting up your controller is kind of a nightmare and you have to use a custom controller layout to even be able to use the D-Pad. So yea, just get the Windows Store version if you're planning on playing this game on your pc. Or emulate the switch port, idc I'm not your dad.

Reviewed on Jul 12, 2023
