It feels like it's really rare when a survival horror game really just nails everything. This game has just about everything I look for to hook me.
The pacing is phenomenal. I found myself saying that this was the last puzzle I do before stopping, then getting excited for what I got from the puzzle, only to power through for another two hours.
The anxious feeling of not knowing if enemies you downed in a room will get back up or not, or if they're even worth the trouble. You're always making decisions based on your limited resources and inventory space, keeping the moment to moment gameplay challenging while rarely feeling repetitive (I didn't like the flashlight).
I became so engrossed with the puzzles that bled into other parts of the levels that I busted out an actual notepad to scrawl combinations, patterns, and diagrams that I knew I would need later.
The story and atmosphere are also great. Nothing ever feels entirely grounded in reality and gave me the same sort of unreliable narration you can never be sure about your first playthrough. It kept myself always wondering if anything I was doing in game was real or not.
Like I said in the beginning, I think this game was incredibly solid the entire way through. A shame I'm getting to it too late to rate for my games I played in 2022, but it's definitely getting the recognition it deserves from me this year.
High recommended.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023
