Not a terrible lot to say about this game. Surprisingly solid game for a genre that wasn't fully represented for the time it came out in. The running and jumping feel good, I never got tired of running on walls and jumping off them to get to other ledges. Climbing pipes is kinda lame became it slows you down so much, so less of those would've been nice in more of the inside levels.
Combat's not great. I opted to not ever fire a gun at enemies and, while it added a bit more challenge, I found punching and parrying enemies pretty unsatisfying. I get the feeling gun combat is probably looked down upon, but you're really not missing out if you just want to blast through the mandatory fight sequences. And if those sequences aren't mandatory and you can totally run past all of them, please forgive me for being bad.
One thing I did really appreciate was how minimal the UI was for the entire game. No health bar, no objective markers, and just a tiny reticle that you can even toggle in the options. For a game about getting from point A to point B while weaving around jump puzzles in first person, it's surprising to see it not have obnoxious "go here" markers or a type of Crazy Taxi arrow pointing where to go. I know they mark much of the interactables with bright red, but I like the excuse that it's the runner's intuition and it matches the aesthetic pretty well. The game's use of a color is pretty damn good, and the game still looks pretty good visually as well.
Wow, I had more to say than I thought. Overall a pretty fun game, if not just a little half baked feeling in some departments. It's not terribly long either, for better or for worse. You can definitely beat it in an afternoon if you felt so inclined. Would recommend!

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2023
