I didn't think it was satisfying and thus not very enjoyable or relaxing, for that matter.

It's a miracle this still has active players from time to time!
I had a lot of fun playing with a handful of people :)

Having played the second installment of the franchise on console first, I have to say it makes quite the difference to play it on an arcade. Improves the experience tenfold, especially with friends. Voice acting also a cherry on top, still.

This game has the best voice acting. Hands down, no contest.

Well, it's finally over. The days of CSGO are now in the history books, never to be forgotten. So let's recap:
I started playing this game when I was 9 years old. I practically grew up alongside this game. I have every single Service Medal from 2016 up to 2023 (I didn't know these existed back in 2015) so... why am I giving this game 4 stars? Clearly, from the sound of it, I should have given it 5. Keep in mind this is Valve we're talking about, so I have to take off my rose-colored glasses and see the many faults this game had.
First off: words cannot express how annoying it was that Valve never seemed to listen or inherently care about the community. I'm not going to whine about the anti-cheat because I never ran into too many problems with cheaters on a high trust factor, but also because I feel like the topic has been beaten into the ground many times over. Let's instead talk about how the only updates they were making half the time were skin-centered. Remember how many years we had to wait for a new operation after Hydra? Lazy lazy lazy lazy. Add more content and not more ways to make money, how about that? Also, remember when they removed Cobblestone? Why. Do they want us to hate this game? The only reason they started frantically adding content again was when Valorant started getting popular so Valve had to add gameplay-related features to keep the player base interested!...by that I mean they basically copied stuff Valorant came up with, but ey! Fair play since Valorant was pretty much a half-arsed CS + Overwatch mashup (sorry)
In conclusion:
Many memories were made.
Many curse words have been learned.
Many friends were lost along the way.
I will always hold CSGO near and dear to my moldy heart.

This game makes me uncomfortable.
The elevator music they use in the background is very eerie.
The narrator's voice is creepy, if I heard that voice in a nightmare I'd wake up in a cold sweat. Even for something out of 1994, the quality of it is disappointing. Nevertheless, I'm sure I will come back to this game with an unsuspecting friend at some point so they leave with a traumatic experience. I want to make them feel what I had to go through. Gameplay isn't terrible though, so I won't give it the lowest rating possible.

(Can't believe I spent over 20$ on this game)

It was very fun with friends back in quarantine and stuff!
This is coming from a person who has never seen a single episode of Squid Game.

The game was released in a broken, unfinished state, lacking content on top of all that. We are still missing a ton of maps and game modes... some stuff that was even teased in trailers and sneak peeks. This game should not have left the Beta so early. It is not ready for a full release. I will change my rating accordingly once it improves and more content is added. Currently, this is not an upgrade from CSGO. This is a downgrade.

The new engine is great and so are some of the new features that followed suit, but that's not enough to distract from the fact that we were served a game months and months away from being finished. This is no longer a testing phase. This is a release. There should be more content available. Not less.

I hope I can give this game a higher rating soon, once the true potential has been used and not wasted.

The amount of fun I had in this game is shocking.
I think the fact this game has an average rating of 3.5 stars (as of writing this review) says a lot about how unappreciated this game truly is. This is the last good Battlefield game in the franchise. I will debate you on that for hours. Remember Levolution? MAN that feature was AWESOME. I personally pretty much only played Conquest, because that is without a doubt the best game mode and honestly the game doesn't even need another game mode in my book. Battlefield 4 could have just been Battlefield Conquest and it would not have affected my 5-star rating. One of the best Multiplayer FPS out there. Give it a try whilst you still can. (Before the player base dies off)

I wish I could get a group of people together again to play this game, it is incredibly fun with friends. I imagine even more so when you're hanging out in real life, at a LAN Party. Would highly recommend <3 I adore this game.

It's been 8 years so it's hard to give a proper review, but I have an overall positive memory. Sad it was quickly shelved from Steam and is no longer playable on the platform. It was a unique concept and the few hours I have spent playing it were not a waste of time.

I usually dislike horror games, they're not my cup of tea if you will, but this one is truly stunning. The sound design and the unique art style paired with a truly breathtaking and interesting world creation make it all worth it to be scared down to the core while playing. Would H I G H L Y recommend giving it a shot.

I remember playing this game in its early access stage, coming back to it over the years to see all the things they have added was really fun. Back when I started playing, there was no ending, but it was eventually added so me and a classmate embarked on finishing the game on a new save file. It's not a very long game, you can pretty much do all there is to do in a week of casual sessions. I highly recommend checking it out in Coop mode. Very fun open-world experience. Best one I've had as of writing this review.

(The start date on the log is accurate, the finished date is an approximation)

For me this "game" meant 1000h worth of fun.
Played with a friend of mine for years.
We mostly played DarkRP, but also enjoyed the occasional Prop Hunt, HogwartsRP etc.
I quit playing because after years of goofing around it was getting old and it was also becoming more and more difficult to find playable servers because I had some sort of ban on most of the popular DarkRP servers haha

(The start date on the log is accurate, the finished date is an approximation)