I like to define this game as a masterclass of game design. It does everything right, the combat feels great, the music is amazing, the emulation of the console limitations (Sprite overlapping, fade ins/outs...) is spot on, and if, like in my case, you get to play this blind (having watched no trailers or knowing the premise), the twist gets your mind completely blown. Some other games try to get that retro feeling by having pixelated artstyle and chiptune music, but Sabotage actually managed to create something that could very much be played on an actual retro console without standing out as modern hadn't it been for the instant transitions (extremely fluent even with the music may I add). Storywise, it's pretty fun. I know some people hate this kind of humor and meta jokes, but honestly I find it hilarious and an important part of the charm of this game. The characters are great and memorable and you can really relate to Ninja in how he reacts to the world that surrounds him, as the "only sane person in a crazy world".
In short words, this is an incredible experience I highly encourage everyone to play. If you know of someone who hasn't tried it yet, MAKE SURE THEY DON'T WATCH ANYTHING, PLEASE! THEY'LL THANK YOU!

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2023
