Overall a good concept but I didn't really like the execution. The game is extremely frustrating for many reasons, such as :
- the terrible aiming and how precise you need to be to hit with guns
- hell, even melee weapons sometimes, why can't the character redirect himself with the left joystick like it does in the non combat areas???
- janky IA that randomly doesn't notice shots
- a screen that easily becomes unreadable AND enemies constantly out of your sight
- enemies that are so similar you can hardly tell which weapon they're holding
- the instant reaction speed of enemies and their 100% precise aiming
- the disastrous boss design (thankfully there's only two of them)

It feels very cheap to die when it's so easy for it to happen and how things are outside of your control. It also doesn't encourage me to learn and better myself at the game, I'm done playing it once.

The story part feels pretty poor, while it's interesting the execution is also mediocre. After playing Katana Zero, I'd say that game is a straight up upgrade in every concept that Hotline Miami wanted to execute.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023


7 months ago

You're going to love Hotline 2 then.

7 months ago

I agree, but Katana Zero is nothing like Hotline Miami. Only the visuals are somewhat similar.

7 months ago

playing hotline miami with a controller lol

7 months ago

@larrydavis It's actually not that hard to play with a controller, you just need to stop using the aimlock.
This comment was deleted

7 months ago

i know it's a bit late for this and you said you weren't gonna play it more than once but there's an enemy lock on button that helps a lot with aiming if you're on controller. also if you have any interest in hotline miami 2 im just gonna give a heads up that you probably will not like it based on this review

7 months ago

Are you guys notified if I answer my own review? This is my first time actually getting comments lol.

So I did try the lock-on but I kind of hate it because it's difficult to see the icon and I often ended up thinking I was locked when I wasn't and vice versa. Whether it's because the enemy is outside the screen or there's too much on the screen (especially blood) which makes the icon hard to see. But aiming is terrible in one.

For the person saying I wouldn't like Hotline Miami 2, I played 12 levels so far and I enjoy it much more than the first game. I feel like it improved quite a bit of the annoyance I had.

I would like to say I still enjoyed Hotline Miami despite everything, my complaints are rather small but the combination of all these things gave me quite a headache playing the game at some point. I've been trying to replay the game to get another opinion but I am just finding new annoyances like how the loading screen with the level name + the unskippable "cutscene" parts are about as long as replaying a level.

Katana Zero is clearly inspired by Hotline Miami imo. Not only the visuals but the concept itself is similar, it even has some of the same tricks such as using doors to knock out enemies. Both games are about individual levels where you clear out enemies in one shot and so do they, but of course Katana Zero reinvented the formula to do its own thing instead of just being a clone.

6 months ago

No really, you have to mention users by handle. Really nice that you enjoyed HLM2, it fixes pretty much everything about the first game and expands upon every aspect.

6 months ago

Katana Zero is definitely inspired by Hotline Miami, but the similarities you mentioned seem very superficial. "Individual levels where you clear out enemies in one shot and so do they" is also describing games like Super Hot or Gunpoint.