The gameplay is horrendously boring, I was fooled into thinking this is like Roadwarden but there's very little text and most of the game time is doing boring grinding on the spaceship map as you do tasks. It's very tedious dragging the dice/items to the box, and then you have to wait a few seconds for no other reason than they put a useless animation of a loading bar.

The writing part was very disappointing, the text is very sparse and never goes into anything detailed. The characters feel flat and boring, everything also seems very black and white. The game pretends to have mystery but five minutes after learning of them, you're given the answer to those riddles. It also can't shut up about its intrigues with a lot of question marks (Hey you noticed this was a mystery? What's gonna happen? Is this a bad guy????). The choices are also pretty much useless, their only purpose is to get additional info from time to time (mostly useless and boring) or will result in the same outcome, no matter your choices. Everything also seems self contained, no interaction between quests at all which quickly makes the game feel empty.

I also don't like the art it doesn't fit the atmosphere at all imo. This is like a wannabe roguelite but without what makes a roguelite fun, not at all a text focused game like I've been sold.

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2023
