Will I ever have the courage to finish such a long game? No, probably not. I have replayed the game multiple game and really, I can't get close to the ending because it's so long. It doesn't mean I don't like the game though, I enjoyed it a great deal and it's also why I eventually replayed it.

Persona 5 is a game bursting with personality. The user interface is an absolute blast and overall, the visuals of the game really have a good direction. Starting from the beginning, the vibe of walking into the town really made me feel like I'm the new kid in a big city and it's the first time I've felt such a marvel at a video game. Taking the subway felt magical.

The gameplay is like a mix of dating sim and dungeon crawling. The slice of life part of the game is pretty cool but I find the stories to be a little too shallow. All the events are unfortunately short and don't really develop into any type of story arc, which makes me feel like this format is ultimately very limited. Every character only has one story which is basically spread through the multiple events and it feels very short. When you reach the end, you're just left desiring for more. Ultimately, the game is the story of the player growing and meeting people.

The dungeon crawling, I was not much of a fan and it's the part that tired me the most. It just doesn't change. The dungeons get boring fast and they're really long and tiring, especially the memento area which is extremely bland. Unfortunately, it also affects the pacing as you'll have a time limit to challenge a dungeon. I find it paradoxal that they made the slice of life events short as not to overwhelm the player, but the dungeons are so long and tedious. The game offers SMT combat but I really am not that much of a dungeon crawler fan to invest myself into it.

I think this is what ultimately tires me out everytime. It's also the same for every Persona, but at least the dungeons in this one are pretty good unlike the previous games where they were awful corridors.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023


5 months ago

I agree with you on the dungeons & Memento!
I didn't talk about it in my review, but honestly i never had fun exploring the Memento. It was just a chore before getting to the parts of the game I enjoy (the slice of Life segments)

I rushed through the dungeons in the most optimal way because I didn't care about the combat at all:
- using the lvl 90 persona that the DLC offers you
- playing on the easiest difficulty
- using infiltration items to avoid as many fights as possible
In result, it made the dungeons a lot more bearable cause I was finishing those very quickly!

5 months ago

@armakeen yeah maybe I should do that eventually. I usually just put those things aside (I'm not a fan of how they gave you overpowered gear which... just stays in your inventory no matter what... and it's better than a lot of the stuff you acquire for maybe 50 hours so you don't feel as much excitement either) but it sounds like a fair way to skip dungeons here.

I'll try the PC version too eventually when it's cheap enough. Should be sold for lower than 20 bucks in a year.