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Time Played

20h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 22, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This review contains spoilers

I loved the first game so much but this game looked like a parody of what I loved in aitsf.

The new characters felt so bland, especially Kizuna and Lien who SOMEHOW got a route on their own and it felt like a complete waste of time for me. They didn't even have chemistry or anything cute about them, it's like if Iris got with Ota which would be really disturbing.

I absolutely hated Tama. I felt like they needed to have a lot of seggsual jokes bc the first game made some and haha ppl thought it was SO funny they had to create a whole character with that purpose. It honestly felt like the game was aimed at teenagers when the first game was so much more mature (even if it was silly, don't get me wrong I know it wasn't always 100% serious all the time) with its themes and characters.

The investigations were a joke honestly I wanted to throw my switch every time it ended up like "oh well, we can't do anything so we have to psync with them !" like it's totally normal. This game had too many psync gameplay istg it became annoying, it's like using the easiest method so yeah just let's psync with everyone !!! It's not like the first game said it was a secret and now we're using it on everyone !!!

And idk about yall but the "yeah the timelines were intertwined" or idk how they tried to explain it just felt like absolute bullshit to me, how did they even think it would make sense. How.

I'm just feeling disappointed. I loved the first game so much it became one of my favorite games ever and this game felt like it was tramping on everything I loved by exaggerating every aspect that made the first one good... there's probably going to be a sequel soon so yeah, I won't be going to wait an amazing game this time.