It's simply one of the best games I've played, most of the characters are likeable and well developed.

I hated Tartarus in general but at least they tried something original, even if climbing these made me lose my sanity 😊
I really loved playing the FEMC route, all of the romance options are amazing (except Ken, I friendzoned him as quickly as I could, damn you Atlus why is this even an option ??), especially Shinjiro's which made me really invested in his character.
If I start talking about Ryoji I'll probably write a whole lot so, just try this game if you haven't !! It's really good !!

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2023


11 months ago

bro really said "one of the best games i've ever played. i hated tartarus"

11 months ago

@Radshyguy jensbfldlifig I know I know but hear me out, I'm really bad at video games so ofc I'd hate Tartarus, I enjoyed way more the story/social parts of the game than anything else 😭😭 I didn't want to hold a grudge against the game just because of my horrible skills (like when I played FFX for example) so yeah

11 months ago

@Kawotari ah that's chill then. thought you like legit thought it sucked lol.