313 reviews liked by Kereshideshou

I think this game was widely misunderstood.
I can't rate it as a 5-star otome simply because of two routes that weren't as well-written as the remaining.
This game portrayed some disfunctional relationships and tried to teach readers how to speak up for their own needs to improve the relationship, which is something most otome games don't do. Some routes were basically about this. I really loved this about the game. Indeed, Amnesia had other flaws, but darn, in certain aspects it was way ahead of its time and the writing still feels pleasant to these days.

Also, the art direction is superb. I enjoyed the most its soundtrack, though. I've yet to find another otome game with such a superb ost.

If you speak Italian, I wrote more about the game on my blog :) You can read about it here: https://diveintofantasea.wordpress.com/2024/05/18/lamore-attraverso-i-ricordi-perduti-amnesia-memories/

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Never thought I'll end up in a dog cage

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when i first played this game i thought it was a slog to get through, but the more i played, i got pretty fascinated with it. i was interested with how the beginning 'h scenes' don't even have actual sex at times but focuses on consensual sadomascochism instead. it's something i haven't seen in the time i've been playing visual novels and i've been playing them since i was in middle school at least! some visual novels use gore as a horror or a pure sexual act (with everything shown) but this is the first game where i've never seen anything like that.

i've only played rei's route, but i have a massive bias towards them out of all the romantic interests (so far). there's only one thing i dislike currently about the game (and rei's route) . why did they take the transgender allegories out by the end AND CUT THEIR HAIR? let rei be trans!!! even if there's no canon allegory (which i could understand because it seemed like another chihiro or naoto situation where there's heavy debate), rei does not look hot with a buzzcut. at all... at least it's grown back by the drama cd but talk about horrifying.

still going to keep playing this. and who knows, i might alter the review when i beat the entire game.

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I liked the concept of the men getting POV's. I also really liked Ryuki, Allan, Raul, and Peter (Jupiter) routes. Shelby and Gill's routes were not for me. The music was pretty good. I didn't really care for the MC during Gill's route. It's like she was very oblivious to her own emotions and how Gill felt. She was kind of stupid. I know she's like that in every route, but this time around it was just annoying. Like, why were human activities so foreign to her when she observed humans throughout daily life doing everyday activities when being cupid? Was she really that ignorant? It just doesn't make sense. Just in general, when through the rest of the story, I felt kind of forced. Other than that, solid game.

Gravity rush. Sony's dirty side flower that still somewhat shines in the sea of samey high budget games.

I finished this game's remastered version back at 2017. Now returned again but on vita for replay. While this game have mountains of problems with aiming a big ambition with a budget of 5 water bottle, it's still managed to get a replay from me. I say that because this is an extremely rare situation. Bc I really rarely replay games. So that means game does something right.

In the surface gravity rush is not that different. It's an another superhero action game where you aim at stuff and attack. Not just that it's a repetitive one at that and feels like it does have bunch of ps2 clunkiness added to it. Be it a wonky camera that goes bonkers at corners, be it a loose lock on that misses, be it clunky mission variety like stealth, platforming, puzzle for the sake of variety etc.

Just saying these words alone is enough to convince people to run away right? Then what holds me in this game even with this big glaring clunky faults in this puny small budget game? It's the world and the main character that is.

Think about a world where it's core is a big tree. Think about a world where cities built on flying islands. Think about a world where every day big gravity tornados happen. Think about a world where being up or down changes the time's flow. And think about a world where you can just go up to creator god anytime and say "what's up?"


I have to say this game and also including the team ico games, gave me the what the heck is going on? I want to solve this world!!! Feeling back in these ps4 generation somehow, not just that I still remember how excited I was for the future after seeing this game's creativity (unfortunately piece of shit sony decided to close japan studio and killed all of the creativity and my hopes with it but that's not our subject right now).

Not just that, this game might be the most interesting when it comes to using verticality. Even comparing to it's sequel, this is the only game I had ever played where you go so much down that you feel like you are breaking the boundaries.

Unfortunately right after that, for some reason game rushes things down and end very prematurely with a super rushed villain but still that doesn't let me from loving this game.

After all this is the only game franchise where I can play as a goofy gravity powered girl with it's half visible black cat in a world filled with flying cities and lots of weirdos.

Also I recommend the remastered version, vita's framerate sucks at the later levels. Also DON'T even think about playing this game if you have motion sickness. Lastly I recommend this hidden moves guide to make your journey more easier: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/620274-gravity-rush/62962354
(Also another my addition is: you can hold circle button for gravity hold move to be more effective)

One of my guilty pleasure games. Amazing soundtrack as well.

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did i play every route? no. they are all bonkers btw. i recommend it if u like to play and incredulously say 'what the fuck' to yourself while laughing

see kids that's what happens when you have good premise but have no idea about what to do with that

You still roll around on your rock unicycle, but now you have to collect clams and navigate unlit caves.

Bro. You're telling me I'm the first person to review and rate Grog's Revenge? I do not deserve such an honor.

I didn't understand how to play it and I was scared of Grog.

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