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1 day

Last played

June 25, 2023

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As a concept, I both love and hate this. Hate, because even when presented as a joke or parody or what have you, terminally online behavior is repulsive to me, and especially streamer culture. Love, because I think the sheer depravity is funny.

In practice... I just don't get it. The first ending I got was the normie ending, which was pretty funny, and there were a couple other times that the game honestly made me laugh, but I quickly got bored and a little frustrated. There are 27 endings in this thing, and a few of them are really easy to trigger on accident while others have incredibly specific requirements, so sometimes even doing everything right for one ending will net you the wrong one because you ran out of time or incidentally triggered something else, forcing you to watch the sequence before you can reload. On top of that, out of the few endings I got, only a couple of them were interesting, so I well and truly lost interest in seeing the others myself when I could just look them up. I AM LEGEND was really funny though, funnier than it should have been when I got it. So is the one where everyone goes outside.

What really doesn't land for me, though, is the psychological aspect. The game even warns you that it might be bad for your mental health when it starts up, so clearly some parts of the game are intended to unsettle more than to be funny, but I never felt that. I only ever saw a dark parody in this game, no drama or horror. Doki Doki Literature Club this is most definitely not, despite being presented to me as similar by a few people. Honestly, the most uncomfortable part of the game for me was the audio, because the music can get really grating (though that is tonally appropriate and it perfectly fits the unhinged theme of the game, so this isn't a criticism,) and the effects that happen to the sound are sometimes painful, though that could just be me.

The horror element never unsettled me, the psychological element bounced right off me, I never felt sorrow or pity or what have you for the girl, I just felt completely and totally detached from the whole experience, only able to find humor here and there because no more substance materialized. After the humor wore off, there was nothing left to feel, and at that point, the horror became more annoying than anything else, given how abrupt and misplaced it occasionally seemed.

Am... am I the problem? Hmm. This might say more about me than it says about the game.

Regardless, it's good, just not for me. A million sales says it's worth a look. Plenty of cool fanart too.

(from my web zone: https://kerosyn.link/grab-bag-4/#needy-streamer-overload)